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Suitable for all ages and all welcome.

Tea, coffee and 'breakfasty' bakes

available from 9:15am

Its been a busy season at Northgreen. We have been on a ‘pilgrimage through psalm 84’ and then spending time having ‘meals with Jesus’ looking at all the times Jesus sat and ate with his friends, tax collectors, sinners, pharisees and even someone who would go on to betray him. 


Over easter we ran a games night and had lots of fun at our baked potato bar, playing the dice game and chatting with friends. In fact we had so much fun we are going to do it all again on the 20th May 5:30pm-7:30pm


Easter Sunday was packed and with bacon rolls, resurrection biscuits and lots of opportunity to worship it was an incredible morning celebrating the risen Jesus and Gods amazing rescue plan.


Leading up to the Summer we invite you to join us at 9:30am for an informal service where wiggles, noise, quiet and mess are all accepted and even welcomed - come and be part of Gods big family.

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